Liebe Gemeinde,
die von der Pfarrversammlung genehmigte Spende von 6000 Euro ist bei Destiny Welfare eingegangen. Irene Dawson bedankt sich sehr herzlich bei uns allen.

Anbei Ihr Schreiben vom 14.4.2023:
Dear Partners in Christ,
We have received the funding officially ( amount in 28.507 MYR  = 6000 Euro). We will be making the following payments and l will be sending you the transfer slips and the Invoice.

RM 500 – to remove all air-conditioning from old centre
RM 1,200 – to install 4 of the air-conditioning to the new centre at RM 300 each
RM 950 – to remove all the CCTV and LCD Projectors
RM 20,000 – start cabin building
RM 2,800 – Windows in new centre
RM 1,200 – Grill for entrance door
RM 1,200 – Netting for all ventilation holes
Kindly continue to pray for us as we trust God to build His school for 130 children.
We have also provided a hostel now at RM 1,200:
– single mother with 2 children (Sheba from Nigeria)
– single mother with 2 children (Kim whose husband literally abused and beat her up so badly). Kim is our Kitchen Helper and cleaner
– couple with their daughter who now studies at our school (Mang Nu). The husband borrowed money to come out of Myanmar and then the person ran away. So they were struggling and trying hard to get a job. Mang Nu is now our Cleaner and Daycare Helper.
– 2 teachers who are Siam Pyi and Thuang.
– another single mother with 2 boys who study at our school has just approached me for shelter as her husband has been beating her up terribly and literally raping her in front of her boys. I am trying to give her a job and also provide shelter in that house. We want to build 2 extra rooms in that house to provide a place for them to stay.

Please support us in prayer as God continues to provide education for the children and also shelter for abused women. Thank you so much for providing us the support we need to start the work of building. Please share our story to all at church and also give them a big thank you from all of us here at the centre. I will send all bills and transfer slips as proof.

God bless.
Yours Sincerely
Irene J Dawson, Founder / Chairman